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MSU graduate student researchers garner statewide honors

Author: Sasha Steinberg

five males posting at a conference

Three Mississippi State doctoral students were recognized for their research efforts during the Mississippi Academy of Sciences' recent graduate student poster competition. Congratulating the students are MAS Division of Agriculture and Plant Sciences chair Girish Panicker, far left, and vice chair Victor Njiti, far right. The honorees include, from left to right, Ahmed Chaloob Saddam, Firas A. Alsajri and Saroj K. Sah.  (Photo by Submitted)

Research efforts of three Mississippi State doctoral students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences are being recognized by the Mississippi Academy of Sciences.

Receiving awards in the MAS's recent graduate student poster competition were:

  • FIRST-Ahmed Chaloob Saddam of Iraq, a food science, nutrition and health promotion/nutrition major.
  • SECOND-Firas A. Alsajri of Iraq, a plant and soil sciences/agronomy major.
  • THIRD-Saroj K. Sah of Nepal, a molecular biology major.

Saddam was advised by Professor Zee Haque of the food science, nutrition and health promotion department. Alsajri and Sah both were advised by Research Professor Raja Reddy of the plant and soil sciences department, with Sah also being advised by Associate Professor Jianxu Li of the biochemistry, molecular biology, entomology and plant pathology department.

In addition to presenting certificates and cash awards, MAS published the students' research abstracts in its January 2016 Abstract Issue, available online at

Dedicated to advancing the roles of science and technology within the Magnolia State and beyond, the Jackson-based academy works to promote collaborations among its scientist, educator, professional and student memberships.

For more information about MSU's Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion, visit; plant and soil sciences,; and biochemistry, molecular biology, entomology and plant pathology,

Date: 2016-04-20

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences